Disliked{quote} Yes watched the the video with the War and Pandemic and many other cycles in, found it quite compelling , just need to be about 40years younger with a few bob to really take advantage of this style of trading Maybe the Government new about the Pandemic cycle and used to to try and get rid of us OAPs ? Can I as what software you have to keep check of 200 markets as I have noticed you have shown, lets say not the obvious Uk shares ps For what its worth My Go Compare Idea of the S&P {image}Ignored
Yeah I'm 49 and I sat down and worked out which cycles I might see and which I most likely won't - something to pass down to the kids and their children when they have them
If they'd of been looking to do that, they'd of simply let it rip through everyone - they protected you and all - most colds we have now are old pandemic viruses! just milder versions
Sharepad - its not perfect, you can't scan intra-day, you have to flick through a list - but its organised and suits my style - it's mainly for fundamentals as you can run every type of financial data filter you can think of, then there's the charting side which is good but limited, especially for cycle work, but you can export the price data out into excel and then import that into other charting software etc - bit of a faff, but I make it work
I just find its easier to flick through every chart in my portfolio and eyeball everything - most of the time only a few picture perfect prospects pop up
Keep those levels on the SP500 - be Interesting what happens going forward to see how they contain price