Never neglect the demo

How long did you trade demo before opening a real account 38 replies
Alpari demo account, is it in real real time? 26 replies
difference in real prices on Demo and real micro account 10 replies
Any MIG users? Different candle close times between MIG demo and MT4 demo? 9 replies
IBFX changed their demo policy, where can I get an unlimited demo? 9 replies
Disliked{quote} Maybe thats why in real life Vikings used a little extra, just to keep their energy unredistributed for a bit longer
Dislikeddemo is good for practicing and micro account really supportive to control and understand emotions level.Ignored
However, it's important to note that trading on a demo account is not the same as live trading, and the results obtained on a demo account may not be the same as those obtained on a live account. Thus, it's important to be aware of the limitations of a demo account and not to rely on the results obtained on a demo account as a guarantee of success in live trading.