Disliked{quote} When OANDA does go down, they normally only shut their systems down at market extremes -- you are generally safe at other times.Ignored
Can anybody log in yet?
Trying my best.
Oanda GM Discussion 0 replies
Oanda users - Oanda widening spreads 62 replies
Oanda order filling discussion 6 replies
OANDA Canada vs OANDA Corp. 4 replies
Euro/Dollar discussion 9 replies
Disliked{quote} When OANDA does go down, they normally only shut their systems down at market extremes -- you are generally safe at other times.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Gotcha. I'll remember this in the future. I wish there was a more elegant way to warn clients about shut-downs, but I'm still new to FX. Don't know how common these things are. Can anybody log in yet?Ignored
Disliked{quote} No, not yet. I received email from Oanda letting me know they are aware of this and they are fixing the issue.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Wow I haven't gotten any email yet, not even the one about the 5 minute break starting Nov 29 last week.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I did asked them whats going on. Its not automatic email sent to everybody, although it should be.Ignored
DislikedHello guys, question for the traders that used (or are using) oanda demo and oanda real account. I am currently testing a demo account trading/scalping nasdaq100 (cfd), my question is, the demo account reflects very well a real account, they simulate perfectly the same conditions, like, financing, slippage, spreads, dividends, etc? anyone with experience/knowledge about this matter? Thanks you, and sorry for my English.Ignored
Disliked{quote} i havent had any differences myself buy i practice live intraday trading not a scalperIgnored
QuoteDislikedcurl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <my AUTHENTICATION TOKEN>"
{"errorMessage":"Unrecognized endpoint: /v3/instruments/EUR_USD/candles","errorCode":"oanda::rest::core::UnableToRouteException"}
Dislikedhey I am trying to download M1 candles from oanda but no luck. {quote} Is V20 down on the weekend? I wish they had a better error message.Ignored
DislikedHave you guys read the new Oanda API license agreement? http://www3.oanda.com/Njg2LVlRRi02Mj...POh71M7sQXwsc= . It talks about fees but they are not specified as far as I could tell. I followed links to the support area but nothing there. I don't know what to make of it. Is the V20 API still free or they are charging for it?Ignored
DislikedI think those license fees that you are seeing there are some kind of public use of API and not regular customer use. Try this (111-111-111111-111= account number): "https://api-fxtrade.oanda.com/v3/accounts/111-111-111111-111/instruments/GBP_USD/candles?count=5&price=M&granularity=M1&dailyAlignment=17&weeklyAlignment=SUNDAY&alignmentTimezone=America%2FNew_York&smooth=true" Without quotes since otherwise this forum wont post url in its entirety.Ignored
Disliked@acetrader I never quite understood the bad rap that ppl here give Oanda. Yes the spreads are not great compared to offshore/European/Asian brokers. But if you give them enough volume they're going to give you rebates that effectively bring the commissions in line with the other brokers. Basically the ppl on here who are complaining have small accounts and can't avail themselves of the rebates that are offered. I recommend NAV of $15000 USD or higher in the acct to have a pleasant experience with Oanda. Also, if you develop a great algo you can...Ignored