DislikedI think micro accounts with some amount you are comfortable to lose and forget, is a better trading practice strategy than demo account with imaginary founds.Ignored
How long did you trade demo before opening a real account 38 replies
Alpari demo account, is it in real real time? 26 replies
difference in real prices on Demo and real micro account 10 replies
Any MIG users? Different candle close times between MIG demo and MT4 demo? 9 replies
IBFX changed their demo policy, where can I get an unlimited demo? 9 replies
DislikedI think micro accounts with some amount you are comfortable to lose and forget, is a better trading practice strategy than demo account with imaginary founds.Ignored
Dislikedright now i am trading in demo where using all exotic pair to se the performance how it works , its really a good platform to avoid unfortunate risk and losses in a real account.Ignored
DislikedYeh. Here are the advantages why people do demo trading before real trading: No risk. You will not lose real money if you make losses due to wrong decisions. Self-analysis. Working on a demo account allows you to identify all your shortcomings in market analysis, trading decisions and strategy. No stress. Real trading causes emotions of greed and fear. They often do not allow traders to see the key information, required for efficient risk management. Paper trading keeps away from the emotional roller-coaster, that is why a beginner trader can completely...Ignored
DislikedYeh. Here are the advantages why people do demo trading before real trading: No risk. You will not lose real money if you make losses due to wrong decisions. Self-analysis. Working on a demo account allows you to identify all your shortcomings in market analysis, trading decisions and strategy. No stress. Real trading causes emotions of greed and fear. They often do not allow traders to see the key information, required for efficient risk management. Paper trading keeps away from the emotional roller-coaster, that is why a beginner trader can completely...Ignored
DislikedYeh. Here are the advantages why people do demo trading before real trading: No risk. You will not lose real money if you make losses due to wrong decisions. Self-analysis. Working on a demo account allows you to identify all your shortcomings in market analysis, trading decisions and strategy. No stress. Real trading causes emotions of greed and fear. They often do not allow traders to see the key information, required for efficient risk management. Paper trading keeps away from the emotional roller-coaster, that is why a beginner trader can completely...Ignored