MT4 MTF Correlation table and Correlation oscillator indicators 155 replies
Trading Crosses Using Correlation and Strength of Major Pairs 2 replies
Tribute to Madlen and other good programmers- Correlation indicators 2 replies
Using usd/chf - eur/usd correlation to see moves in EUR/USD 46 replies
Using PNN to capture the correlation between past and present data... 1 reply
Disliked{image} This is a demo account Which I've been trading using OBV2 as my entry point, Because the trade are so fast I close them before I have to put a stop on, I only let them go about 5 candles which is 5X5-minutes, Or 4 candles which is 4 x 15mins = 1 hour, Trading time is from 8;0 am UK time till 1;0 in the Afternoon. All indicators on that chart can be found on this site.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hi, redfan. Thank you for sharing the chart screen. I was looking forward to your way. I would be grateful if you could write a little more detail about your entry and exit strategies. Thank you.Ignored
DislikedDoes Correlation enhance a good profitable trading system? YES or NO A brief explanation would be helpful thank youIgnored