Dislikeda few more interesting charts with projections... {image} {image} {image} {image}Ignored
could you post an update graph for Dow Jones andor SP&500 with the diamond?
How close does a stock CFD match the underlying stock? 3 replies
How does the stock market affect the forex market? 4 replies
US stock market earnings results impact the Forex market 0 replies
The FX Market, the Stock Market and the end of QE2 3 replies
Will pound break 1.92? Gbp nearing it's Psyche resistance 1.92 3 replies
Disliked{quote} I wonder where all those disrespectful aholes are now? Oh well...Ignored
DislikedLet me say up front: I’m not trying to scare anyone. $VIX 54 shock on Friday says people are already scared. My mantra remains: Keep calm (https://northmantrader.com/2020/03/05/keep-calm/).....What’s the $VIX really saying here? That the Fed and every central bank on the planet are at high risk of losing total control over these markets in which case $VIX could go to 90 and $SPX could ultimate drop to 1800-2000. That’s not hyperbole, that’s what the charts say...link (https://northmantrader.com/2020/03/08/vix-shock/)Ignored
Disliked{quote} I wonder where all those disrespectful aholes are now? Oh well...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Right here big mouth. The end of the US stock market is being greatly exaggerated as it has been in every correction, recession and bear market in US equity history. In the 2008-2009 decline the market was down around 50%. It made it all back in 16 months. I was one of the ones buying when everyone was selling and I have been rewarded much. Guess what I'm doing right now. That's right. Buying. I think it's rich of you and Igrok to ask where all those who disagreed with the basic tenet of this thread are since you and Igrok very well know...Ignored
Disliked{quote} I have no idea what you're actually doing here on the traders' forum... it's because you're not even a trader... yours, as you call it, "rational" strategy is based on the most primitive action called "buy and hold"... it's not even a trading strategy... it's an investment strategy... other that that you know nothing about the markets, unable to understand and utilize neither fundamental nor technical approach to market matters... unable to profit from the opportunities that bear markets always present and so on... just because you got lucky...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Dollar-cost-averaging and buy-and-hold investing in equity markets are tried and true strategies that have endured the test of time. The market in 1929 has little to nothing to do with markets now. I've been trading and investing since 1987 and have been buying/holding and dollar cost averaging into a variety of equity markets since. So I've endured my share of bear markets, recession and corrections. None of those took 25 years to come back.Ignored
Disliked{quote} yeah... tell the same stuff to the NIKKEI traders and investors... it's been 30 years already since the top was formed at about 40K mark and it's not even in some sort of more or less close proximity yet... my projection is based on current technical picture and only time will tell whether I'm right or not...Ignored
Disliked{quote} I'll give you that on the NIKKEI but my comments regarding investing refer to US equity markets.Ignored
Disliked{quote} I think I know where ONE is!!….. Seriously, dude, mother sex comments?!? How old ARE you?.....Ignored
Disliked{quote} Old enough to not have to tolerate name calling. I didn’t call out anyone personally. Well, if you are willing to buy into a personal fight, be ready. If you come at me, personally, I’ll come for you. You sound like that kid that loves to bully people around until you get punched in the face. Guess what? Don’t want to get punched in the face, leave people alone. Personally.Ignored
Disliked{quote} You were whining about people being disrespectful aholes and then you make an oral sex reference about Abe16's mom and that is okay? In what universe is that not disrespectful? How does that remotely have ANYTHING to do with trading? And you always threaten people about wanting a fight, you'll give them one. No one wants a fight. No one wants to hear your rude comments. No one wants to bicker back and forth with you. People just want to talk about trading and forex and ideas and systems and stuff that is NORMALLY talked about on a trading...Ignored
DislikedIf at the very outbreak, you don’t test for covid 19, nor contain its spread, you end up having to lockdown entire communities, states and nations. Can the same nationwide lockdown that has occurred in Italy also occur in the US! What effect would such a lockdown have on markets in the months ahead....lower lows or higher highs.Ignored