DislikedEDIT: IF YOU ALREADY DOWNLOADED THESE EAS, PLEASE DOWNLOAD THEN AGAIN. I forgot to put the Reverse option for NONE. LOL. Updates: Beta34 and v37.7.7 have the Reversal Upgrade. Beta34 has the upgraded 3Candle Filter. xm7_Ccfp_Wkly_TradeMonitor_v37.7.8_beta_34.ex4 xm7_Ccfp_Wkly_TradeMonitor_v37.7.7.ex4 Ok guys we are getting close to the end. In prepration for the BBsqueeze/3Candle...Ignored
Thanks so much for answering to my request. I want to add that, in order to benefit from this additional setting, I ask all members to go into their setting for the CCFP diff indicator and enable :- suggest reversal to true, that is how this new update will work the way it's intended. Thanks. Green pips to you all.
Don't Buy after a Rally, Don't Sell after a Drop