bingo but with a small twiist while the parents make the singles;
they combine to make the zygote:
that later has birth.
they combine to make the zygote:
that later has birth.
Will Geppy 127 this week? 2 replies
Geppy - Pick the bottom 18 replies
Lets Talk GBP/JPY "the geppy" 156 replies
geppy is "ugly" when ? 14 replies
Geppy outlook 0 replies
Disliked{quote} Last post--Are you seriously this daft?? I used YOUR definition of Risk. YOURS. Dude stick to trolling because you clearly are unable to handle the English language or remember even your own words. Go back and read your big "dissertation" of what risk is. Sheesh.Ignored
DislikedAs you losers bicker and forth about "theories" Geppy and Myself are putting good trades together. Why don't the rest of you do the same or shut the hell up!Ignored
Disliked{quote} grumpy today obviously , amazing how bad results effect people emotionally.Ignored
Disliked{quote} So hard to read potential sarcasm in an online forum. I've posted this before, but I have it loaded on myfxbook: If you weren't being sarcastic, my bad.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Good morning sweety. Would you consider putting that my fx link in your signature until the issue with TE is resolved? That way the peanut gallery will have one less thing to write in here about because there stupid baseless comments and their ability to skim through certain post is really gettig me heated. On another note it is good to see you getting equity back on GJ.Ignored
DislikedAnyone have a clue why my Trade Explorer won't sync? I thought for sure it would have fixed itself by the time I woke up today but nope...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Keep going GJscalper! Equity curve to the MOON ............ Masterrmind...........Ignored
Disliked{quote} Not sure why it isn't syncing. I have a trade explorer set up for a new robot I am testing that is linked to Oanda's FXtrade platform and it seems to be syncing just fine even though it doesn't have any data to pull yet. I can hit the sync button and it works fine. Make sure you have enabled the permissions for third party access. Maybe that got turned off for some reason.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Strange. I definitely have the third-party access setting correct. Trying it again. May try deleting it and reloading it to see if that'll resolve things. Another issue... can't seem to add myfxbook links to signature.Ignored
Disliked{quote} It's like it's not saving any changes you make. Try putting any comment (no links) in your signature then save it and see if it appears. FF had this issue a while back not sure what they did to resolve it.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Thanks Mastermind. I am so happy I got some rest today and was stil able to get a nice order today. I also see you loaded a TE. WELCOME to the Real world of trading because everyone else posting their theories about RISK are nothing more then Demo Queens/King looking to add things to this forum because they lack the ability to load a TE which reveals that they are even trading.Ignored