I know this must have been asked before, but can we get a complete list of currency pairs and times in (EST) when they are active?
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Quoting MrWhippleDislikedI like this chart It gives pipz per hr. http://www.fxstreet.com/nou/content/...menu=knowledge
for session times I use http://www.worldmarkethours.com/Fore...htm?12,0,1,0,5 I have it on my task bar and pop it up whenever I get confused (and that is often dependinding on the state of my meds)Ignored
Quoting clam61Dislikedthanks mr whipple
the first link helps a lot. i thought that the GBP/USD was the most volatile..but according to the chart the USD/CHF is the most...
anyways what is the correlation between the world markets and each currency?
for exmaple, when the japanese market opens, what does that mean for active currencies? anything that is paired with the yen?Ignored
Quoting BemacDislikedHmmm. think about it this way... Have you ever considered if the Rise/Fall of the Dow/S&P {russel, nasdaq...} have any effect on the USD?
World Market Hours tells you when the Nationalized Traders of any particular currency are predominent in the market. As well as when they are getting ready to settle positions.Ignored
Quoting clam61Dislikedso in other words, when the european market opens, anythign with the Euro should move more...when the japanese market opens...anything iwth the Yen will move more...etc?Ignored