Disliked{quote} Bauta, I am not trying to 'challenge' you, or anything of the sort, strictly trying to help you test, as well as other EA's etc. just for Hobby. If you could employ the FIFO logic on the orders, I think that would be interesting and add value to the product. The rest is pretty solid and I have several versions running DEMO on FXCM. I am also running side-by-side against the AutoOp EA on FF also, and that is running a bit better, but I think with a bit more risk. We will see which one's come out on top, but all good.Ignored
It will show up by the next revision.
Differences in BY_POS vs BY_TICKET. When you select by POS MT4 sort and select from the order list only the orders related to your position vs BY_TICKET where MT4 does not sort by position and moves from the first order to the last for all symbols in the order list. it sort by ticket. BY_TICKET the computer performance may be affected a bit when you have many orders/pairs open.
finally, note that EG104 is not FIFO compliant and I do not have intention to do so. Why?. Because it is not regulated by me, it is regulate by USA.
This EA hedge positions, average down, closes orders, sometimes the last one is closed first and only the last one. This EA is not a basket trading system, it is a GRID system with symmetry methods where different small strategies executes independently of first order placed or last order placed. Sometimes the EA closes all long positions only, sometimes it closes all short positions, sometimes it match long profits with short loses and closes only the matched orders. etc.
implementing FIFO rules, the EA will stops profiting, that is the FIFO idea, don't it?
once again, thanks for posting here and for your interest in this project.