Disliked{quote} Hi Claudia - It would seem that there's a lot more to your trades and selection than a simple breakout. On looking at last weeks trades, there were 2 trades on the 8am break that hit +50, the break above on the 8th March and the break below on the 10th, both of which you took (and fortunately so did I!). The only other trade that hit +50 from the 8am break was a break below on the 9th but it would have been stopped out before hitting target. Similarly, looking out a 12pm breakout (which I haven't been trading), there was only one winner,...Ignored
Most of the trades are taken in the morning. If the morning breakout is high, say +/- 100, I will ignore the afternoon session.
Try a different approach. Use the 15 minute bar as I think Mr T does, with some success as he has posted.
Let's see where it takes us next week. I'm considering adding GBP/USD and FTSE back, although targets will be a lot lower than on the Ger 40.
This is very much still a work in progress, don't forget that. The basic system/strategy does work and I will continue to develop it.
I know I'm not answering your questions fully, but it isn't easy. Stick with the basic concept and make adjustments to suit your style of trading - in other words make the system/strategy your own.
Still intend having an ea created for this and have started writing the specification. Again it will be basic, but with some flexibility to suit different users - e.g. s/l and t/p levels for instance.