1) At the first sign of a position going against you... average down.
Trading Systems work for 6-12 mnths then die? 14 replies
5 Rules to Trade or Die By 5 replies
Trading Live Against The Beast--Gbd/Jpy--(Do Or Die)-- 3 replies
Adapt or Die! 0 replies
die young 8 replies
DislikedHey Yuppie
How about never let a winner become a loser. Goes well with your #2
DislikedCut your winners short but let your losers run. It'll come back.. it just has to! Its not a loss unless you close the trade.Ignored
DislikedThat actually sounds like good advice... which kind of goes against the intended grain of this thread...Ignored
DislikedSorry man I am a little slow today LOL
How about add to your losers because while your hanging on to it for its eventual return you will win huge!Ignored