Disliked{quote} Billionaire iPhone and Microsoft companies are still selling phones and software. so one can truly have winning EA and still chose to market for it. some do it for money and some do it to spend time and makes friends and to help others.Ignored
But now you are here can you explain the following for me because i am puzzled.
This is from your FF topic "Business opportunity" https://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=706917 where you point to your website signalstart.com
If you are an online marketing expert.
If you are aware of forex trading.
If you want to make money without investing your own money.
Then this offer is for you.
I have a very profitable and stable system and I am looking to expand with more followers, at present, I have 6 followers and total funds of 90k following me.
I am providing signals from signalstart.com
if you have any idea and business plan to collaborate you can email me with your proposal.
But this is from the website signalstart.com
QuoteDislikedPlease remember just like every business this is also a business and you will need money to make money so the more money you have in account the more you can make, I will always keep the lot size same so you can have more options to increase lots from your end according to your account size.
Are those two statements not contradictory ?
I can calculate the movement of stars, but not the madness of men. Isaac N.