Disliked{quote} you welcome but i think you'll stay,yep it looks like.you will like it herebon weekend as well

I love this thread!
Made again my day!

Disliked{quote} you welcome but i think you'll stay,yep it looks like.you will like it herebon weekend as well
Disliked{quote} you told you are cheap :-9. by your own words! you told 20 % and more is no problem to get, so you get this each month or you are a liar. lets challange your words. you told you do this many many years already and trade long time. so your 20% each month is many many millions now, so by having this you would not look for your garbage offer to steal people money, you would simple invest your own money and trade it. but because you are here by looking for money and traders, you cant trade and you dont have money. only reason what is possible....Ignored
Disliked{quote} I am here because of advertising reasons also facebook , microsoft still making ads through forums, TV , Social ...etc are they cheap ? no you just ignorant 20% is easy read Murphy 's book , easy on professionals but you ignorant i do not think so . so many years working in the career learning techniques not trading or managing account ...ignorant by the way through my trading a collect a good cash for myself >>>> but this is not you business ignorant offer to steal people the money will deposited in a segregated account by a regulated broker...Ignored
Disliked{quote} I am here because of advertising reasons also facebook , microsoft still making ads through forums, TV , Social ...etc are they cheap ? no you just ignorant 20% is easy read Murphy 's book , easy on professionals but you ignorant i do not think so . so many years working in the career learning techniques not trading or managing account ...ignorant by the way through my trading a collect a good cash for myself >>>> but this is not you business ignorant offer to steal people the money will deposited in a segregated account by a regulated broker...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Dear Kenshin we are not blocking people but if you talk against our policy we planning to stop our conversation because its useless keep in mind we are not scamming people we respect all FF members and we have a good opportunity for serious traders only OK you are welcomed any time without talking in religions , politics or insults just be positive https://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=707333 regardsIgnored
Disliked{quote}our current Managers achieve from 35% up to 75% in monthly basisIgnored
Disliked{quote} I never referred to religion or politics. Regarding my insults to you: There are many expert traders who have spent a long time on various threads in this forum trying to educate people on what the reasonable expectations there are for profit in forex trading. Generally, somewhere around 3% to 4% per month is considered average. 5% per month is considered excellent performance. 10% or more is accepted as being possible but risky and unlikely to be sustainable. Here are some of those threads: https://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=239558...Ignored
DislikedFF members , as you see Nesta's clients continue to rebel and publicly denounce the disastrous results of Nesta's system . {image} For scammer Nesta is the beginning of the end.Ignored
DislikedWell, scammer Nesta is completely crazy. These are the last days posts , where he recommended Instaforex as a broker for his FF clients. {image} {image} {image} But today , suddenly, he says: " InstaForex is pratically DISHONEST " (!). {image} Well , what will say the FF members that have followed his advice and have opened an account with Instaforex ? But the soap-opera continues. Now scammer Nesta recommends 2 brokers: FreshForex and ForexMart . And if - in 2 days - he changes his mind again ? And if - in 2 days - Nesta says " FreshForex...Ignored
Disliked{quote} I do not get what one trader showing that he can trade using an EA and an indicator has to do with the fact that you are selling your "expertise" and trying to get paid for non-performance.Ignored
Disliked" Nesta, you will not recover your "reputation" in this forum. Some heavy reputation red card members ( like fxmadness but really he is other more reputable and older in this forum ) let clear what kind of member you are. Better if you accept your new role... " by Braintheboss Golden words , BrainTB , golden words .Ignored
Dislikedand there is lower...still... https://www.forexfactory.com/showthr...5#post10412825Ignored
Disliked{quote} I will be laughing my ass off if a scammer got scammed by Instaforex because they failed to pay his commission. That is highly dishonest !Ignored
Disliked{quote} I did not intend to sell at all. Otherwise I would be comercial from the beginning. And for a long time I've worked absolutely free. And we still do not intend to sell. Because the indicator is not for me to sell. 2 people talked about this and we were the seller. But in fact, contrary to my desire. I tried to ask you several times on forexpinbar and even several times jens repeated my question for you, but you did not answer 2 months ago. And it was interesting. Because I asked you about this topic, completely respectful, before creating...Ignored