It does not compile under Build 610.
Just needs some cleanup, I hope, but it's beyond my scope.
So I'll just await an update
Just needs some cleanup, I hope, but it's beyond my scope.
So I'll just await an update

Improved multi-timeframe/offset/chart period converter, P4L PeriodCon.mq4 330 replies
MT4 horizontal line price marker display help in mq4 6 replies
I need some MQ4 help from a real MQ4 programmer 2 replies
moutaki Mq4+fibo grid Mq4=profit+ease 39 replies
I need mq4 for this buy & sell script 2 replies
order opendt type lots symbol openprice stoploss takeprofit closedt closeprice commission taxes swap profit
2015.03.22 16:09:55.939 Script P4L OrderHistory XAUUSDc,M1: removed 2015.03.22 16:09:55.939 P4L OrderHistory XAUUSDc,M1: uninit reason 0 2015.03.22 16:09:55.939 P4L OrderHistory XAUUSDc,M1: Alert: No trades displayed for this chart symbol! Open the View->Terminal window. Select AccountHistory tab. Change CustomPeriod. 2015.03.22 16:09:55.939 P4L OrderHistory XAUUSDc,M1: Alert: ... Also confirm any custom Start_Date_OR_Number_of_weeks and End_Date_OR_Number_of_weeks variable settings are the correct range. 2015.03.22 16:09:55.939 P4L OrderHistory XAUUSDc,M1: Alert: ... If using input file(s), check for correct name, format, 1st-data-header-line, delimiter, symbol, etc. 2015.03.22 16:09:55.929 P4L OrderHistory XAUUSDc,M1: Alert: FYI: A persistent way to input files is to create a Label named InputFiles with Description=...filename(s) 2015.03.22 16:09:55.929 P4L OrderHistory XAUUSDc,M1: FYI: 60/20 iATR is: 3.0483 TextOffsetBase: 27438 TextOffsetDelta: 4942 2015.03.22 16:09:55.929 P4L OrderHistory XAUUSDc,M1: initialized 2015.03.22 16:09:55.879 P4L OrderHistory XAUUSDc,M1 inputs: _INFO_Version_V9=... released on 2014-JUL-04 by pips4life; _INFO_Suggestions=Use F8 to toggle: Show Object Descriptions; _INFO_In_Terminal_Window__=...set desired Period in Account_History tab; _INFO__WHEN_YOU_ARE_DONE__=...Rerun&Set DeleteCreatedObjects to True; DeleteCreatedObjects=false; _INFO_Date_syntax=#weeks(0=all), or YYYY.MM.DD [HH[:MM[:SS]]] (optional between square brackets); Start_Date_OR_Number_of_weeks=; End_Date_OR_Number_of_weeks=; RequireCloseWithinDateR
DislikedSee post#1 for the latest release. 2014-Jul-04: New "P4L OrderHistory.mq4" (V9) released. * Minor updates due to new "MQL45" (MT4 build>=600) P.S. Happy 4th of July!Ignored
DislikedLast updated: 2014-Jul-04. Posted new V9 Update. Greetings all, I get so much from this forum I want to give something back to it. I re-wrote a script called OrderHistory.mq4 that someone else created that goes through your trade history records and plots them on a chart window. You can graphically review the trades that you made and evaluate them for the quality of entries and exits. Often it is said that traders regret when they let a profitable trade slip away, yet many also say they wish they would let their profits run longer. Sometimes we...Ignored
Disliked{quote} Hi there, It must be a good indicator from the description. however when I downloaed and tried to apply in the MT4 Build 840, it does not work. and when I open it from metaeditor and start to debug it, the errors showed as below photo, could you pls to have a look what might be the reason? thank you. Louis {image}Ignored
DislikedLast updated: 2014-Jul-04. Posted new V9 Update. Greetings all, I get so much from this forum I want to give something back to it. I re-wrote a script called OrderHistory.mq4 that someone else created that goes through your trade history records and plots them on a chart window. You can graphically review the trades that you made and evaluate them for the quality of entries and exits. Often it is said that traders regret when they let a profitable trade slip away, yet many also say they wish they would let their profits run longer. Sometimes we...Ignored