I made the wrong choice with the yen pairs, should have just gone with this one. this has milk overflowing all over
the cautious seldom err....C
Trading Made Simple the right way, and other trading lessons 334 replies
Monitor for 'Trading Made Simple' system 563 replies
Indicators for the 'Trading Made Simple' system 343 replies
MTF Indicators for the 'Trading Made Simple' system 241 replies
Trading Made Simple system follower - Thanks to eelfranz 9 replies
Dislikedwill be waiting to short around resistance if it ever bounce {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} @mq112358 the Synergy Pro system is rather conservative based on many indicators for setup conditions and signals. > but will keep you longer in the trade the entire swing which can last 3 to 8 candles > you have also the possibility to add-on positions and maximize profits Big E' TMS 5-Method is very aggressive entry method and you exit in 2~3 candles maximum. Just compare this GJ 4H charts below: Synergy_Pro {image} TMS 5-Method {image} ...Ignored
Dislikedwhat a move ? the big boys here are ruthless..don't ever trade gold without a stop. you can lose your underpants {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Can you share the indicators for the synergy pro system ? Thank youIgnored
Disliked{quote} Post#1 Big E' 4hr Pacific 2AM candle setup was 2 hours ago by the 6AM candle open he would have closed all his 4hr trades {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Can you share the indicators for the synergy pro system ? Thank youIgnored
DislikedHi all, Firstly thanks, @eelfranz, for starting this thread 10+ years ago, and rest in peace This thread was soo emotional that I needed to write a reply. I have read the first 200 pages of the thread and found out that old traders @emmanuel7788 and @alexc are still active on FF, which is very impressive. -I have not idea how to tag so I will do that: {quote} {quote} During the reading, I was able to find that trader @2scoops, after 5 years of testing this TSM strategy decided to quit trading, and he wrote: ''I fell out...Ignored
Dislikedhello guys.... just bumped with this strategy that seems simple but powerful and kindly ask somebody patient enough to reply the following doubts: 1-) entries will be when TDI green line crosses the red line in the direction the green line crosses it ? 2-) SL is above or below the High or Low of the previous 3 to 4 candles from the candle of the entry? 3-) A reasonable TP would be around...? 4-) Best TF to use this strategy? 5-) Why there's also a stocastic indi and what should be pound from it when deciding to take or not a trade? Thank u all guys...Ignored
Disliked...Disliked{quote} @Tekkies You got that simple question wrong again or its your usual emotional reaction to a simple post request. You can start at Post#1 and read up to Post#12,912. Have Fun and Enjoy Your Trading Adventures the next 6 years.[/quote It must be very dark deep down that rabbit hole you call home. Here is a flashlight {image} so that you can read the bottom part ofIgnoredIgnored
DislikedXAUUSD M15 Nov09 Tokyo 10:00am - check your TMS 5-Method chart template - H1 {image}
DislikedHey Vincent, In your expert option which post is correct? Post 135,829 for the complete Synergy Pro package Post 135,831 TDI is not in the winning edge equation. Am asking because you refer members to a post in how to use TDI. The next post you inform the very same members they must avoid TDIIgnored