- Basic/Standard TMS indicator. Required for the MTF indicators to work.
- MTF Version of the Basic/Standard TMS indicator.
TMS-Tape MTF.mq4
- Tape chart of the TMS indicator.
TMS-Matrix 3TF.mq4
- Three time-frame matrix chart of the TMS indicator.
TMS-Matrix 4TF.mq4
- Four time-frame matrix chart of the TMS indicator.
- These indicators use TMS-Basic.mq4 to perform calculations and therefore require that it is installed in-order to work.
- To enable checking by the indicator that the required indicators are installed, enable dlls when the indicator is run. This is optional. The indicator should function correctly without this setting (provided that TMS-Basic works).
- Check the 'expert' and 'journal' tabs in the terminal window for errors if problems are encountered when running the indicator.
- These MTF indicators will update/redraw all bars on the lower time-frame that represent the open higher time-frame bar until the higher time-frame bar closes. This is normal and expected behavior for an MTF indicator. If you do not understand this, you should not be using these indicators.If you want a 'non-repainting' version of the TMS indicator, zznbrm has kindly posted one he has written in the next post.
For more information on the indicator parameters, open the respective file in Metaeditor or notepad and scroll down to the parameter definitions. Here is a sample that should cover the most common parameters among the indicators:
TimeFrame1.Period=0; // Timeframe: 0,1,5,15,30,60,240,1440 etc. Current Timeframe=0.
TimeFrame2.Period=0; // Timeframe: 0,1,5,15,30,60,240,1440 etc. Current Timeframe=0.
TimeFrame.Auto=True; // Automatically select higher TF for second line.
TMS.RSIPeriod=13; // RSI Period. Default=13.
TMS.RSISignal=2; // RSI Signal Line Period. Default=2.
TMS.TradeSignal=7; // Trade Signal Line Period. Default=13.
Alert.OnBarClose=True; // Alert only when an open bar closes.
Alert.MatrixLine=1; // Select which time-frame/matrix-line to use for the Alert.OnBarClose setting. Valid values are 1 to 4.
Alert.Popup=False; // Enable popup window & sound on alert.
Alert.Sound=""; // Play sound on alert. Wav files only.
Alert.Email=False; // Enable send email on alert.
Alert.Subject=""; // Email Subject. Null string ("") will result in a preconfigured subject.
Label.Color=White; // Color of Histogram Id labels.
Divider.MaxLines=30; // Draw period divider line for higher time-frame bars. Nr of bars back. Set to 0 to disable.
Divider.MatrixLine=4; // Select which time-frame/matrix-line to use to draw the divider lines.
Divider.Color=DarkGray; // Color of period divider lines.
Change log:
- 2014-07-24. Added zipfile with build 600+ versions of most of the indicators.
- 2014-01-09. TDI-MTF-zz-Matrix 3TF v1.01. Fixed alerts.
Added TF-Slicer - 2013-12-16. TDI-MTF-zz-Matrix 3TF v1.00
- 2013-03-22. v1.01. Fixed crash on highest timeframes.
- 2013-01-03. v1.00. First Release of the new/updated versions.
For Build 600+:
The required indicators are embedded into the executable files.
Work on both Build 600+ and 509-:
The above indicator requires the this is indicator installed and working: TDI-MTF-zz.mq4
For Build 509-:
You will have to remove or replace the '.' in the parameter variables if you want to compile the indicators with build 600+. There is a utility program to do that on my website.