DislikedQ: does God trade?
more seriusly, my christien friend all say trading is evil & by satan, because it using greed (one of the christian vices), and when you win, someone else is lose. but christ spirit = give $ away, not take $ from others.
your opinion?Ignored
I asked mom. I take what she says to be gold. My mom is a very smart woman.
At first when I asked her, she was speechless. She wasn't sure what to say.
She said its all in the attitude you take it as. Are you doing it to be rich? Are you trading to steal others money? Is greed pushing you to trade? Are you trying to make a living to give yourself and people close to you a good life? When it comes to is it right or wrong, its all in the attitude.
I don't think there is anything wrong with trading as long as you have the right attitude. I know I'm not doing something God doesn't like. When I start making real good money at this, it is gonna give my daughter something so many other sons/daughters don't get. That is a parent that doesn't have to go to work everyday and need a babysitter or just time away from their parent. Someday, my parents will have a motor home to travel the US and Serena will be able to go to college. My body will not ache anymore from the labor I do just so I can eat and pay bills.
It sure would be nice to be able to say I made a million dollars trading but that is not why I am trading. I am here to give my family a better life and not have to kill myself at my job to make just enough to live.
I could go on and on about this stuff but I think I have made my point.
JOHN 3:16