The purpose of this thread is facilitate open discussion of trading-related books in a format akin to the Video Store or Comedy Club. Post whatever you want about a book--positive or negative. There was another thread in this forum discussing "best forex books"… ... but this thread is for a broader and perhaps more in depth discussion.
Post your favorite or least favorite trading books or identify specific parts of a book you find useful. My hope is that this thread will become a resource for new traders or anyone unfamiliar with different books.
Let me start off by listing some of my favorite trading books.
(Not necessarily in order, though #1 is my favorite)
1. “The Intuitive Trader” by Robert Koppel
2. “Market Wizards” and “New Market Wizards” by Jack Schwager
3. “Way of the Turtle” by Curtis Faith
4. “Beyond Candlesticks” by Steve Nison
5. “Trading for a Living” by Alexander Elder
6. “Trading in the Zone” by Mark Douglas
7. “The Art of Contrary Thinking” by Humphrey Neil
8. “Tape Reading & Market Tactics” by Humphrey Neil
9. “Studies in Tape Reading” by Rollo Tape
10. “The Crowd: Extraordinary Popular Delusions” by LeBon & MacKay
11. “Pit Bull” by Marty Schwartz
12. “Martin Pring on Market Momentum”
13. “Trader Vic” by Victor Sperandeo
14. “Zen and the Art of Poker” by Larry Phillips **Not a trading book but related
15. “The Art Of War” by Sun Tzu **Not a trading book but related
16. “How I Made One Million Dollars Last Year Trading” by Larry Williams
17. “The Trader’s Tax Survival Guide” by Ted Tesser **since it is tax season
None of the books mentioned above are specifically Forex books and they’re all fairly old, so maybe you have some new ones or more specifically for forex trading:
My favorite trading books tend to be interview books with successful traders, as I find that particularly useful to hear their insights. For that reason, I also include the following PDF “Phantom of the Pits” which appeared in Futures Magazine in 1997. I find it to be a good read.
Post your favorite or least favorite trading books or identify specific parts of a book you find useful. My hope is that this thread will become a resource for new traders or anyone unfamiliar with different books.
Let me start off by listing some of my favorite trading books.
(Not necessarily in order, though #1 is my favorite)
1. “The Intuitive Trader” by Robert Koppel
2. “Market Wizards” and “New Market Wizards” by Jack Schwager
3. “Way of the Turtle” by Curtis Faith
4. “Beyond Candlesticks” by Steve Nison
5. “Trading for a Living” by Alexander Elder
6. “Trading in the Zone” by Mark Douglas
7. “The Art of Contrary Thinking” by Humphrey Neil
8. “Tape Reading & Market Tactics” by Humphrey Neil
9. “Studies in Tape Reading” by Rollo Tape
10. “The Crowd: Extraordinary Popular Delusions” by LeBon & MacKay
11. “Pit Bull” by Marty Schwartz
12. “Martin Pring on Market Momentum”
13. “Trader Vic” by Victor Sperandeo
14. “Zen and the Art of Poker” by Larry Phillips **Not a trading book but related
15. “The Art Of War” by Sun Tzu **Not a trading book but related
16. “How I Made One Million Dollars Last Year Trading” by Larry Williams
17. “The Trader’s Tax Survival Guide” by Ted Tesser **since it is tax season
None of the books mentioned above are specifically Forex books and they’re all fairly old, so maybe you have some new ones or more specifically for forex trading:
My favorite trading books tend to be interview books with successful traders, as I find that particularly useful to hear their insights. For that reason, I also include the following PDF “Phantom of the Pits” which appeared in Futures Magazine in 1997. I find it to be a good read.
Attached File(s)