More stupidity for the willingly blind. Educative for those unwilling to blindly accept tyrannical government dictats.
MT4: how to change "EURUSD" to "#EURUSD"? 3 replies
Re: EurUsd short term 15 replies
did oanda just drop its spread for eurusd to 1 pip? 11 replies
EA for multiple lot limit order for EURUSD 0 replies
NFP nice bump up on EURUSD 2 replies
Dislikedsome folk will not be convinced, thinks governments don't do propaganda, there's not conflict of interest between big corporations and government, governments are honest brokers not influenced by international bankers etc etc. for the sake of the thread probably best not to waste time on them. keep posting what one finds etc and move on.Ignored
DislikedThe biggest danger of today are not governments and their overreach based on zero science, but imbeciles who believe and do everything their goverments tell them. The same imbeciles believe everything a politician says, everything a banker says, everything anyone in the mainstream media says. Their world is simple, kind of like the world of a 5 year old...thats where they got stuck mentally. They lack any real world experience. Sadly, we see such people even in this thread and ironically, they even think they are the smart ones.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Before a suit is introduced into the court, the offending party must be offered an opportunity to correct their mistake. Print a retraction or apologize publicly in their publication. Whatever the offended party may deem appropriate to redeem their credibility or reputation.Ignored
Disliked{quote} me too I can’t wait for Santa to come because I want to talk to him.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Don't asked him a gift of magic indicator please.... Or he may slap you in the face and scold you for not focusing on understanding the market. Lol.Ignored
DislikedThe biggest danger of today are not governments and their overreach based on zero science, but imbeciles who believe and do everything their goverments tell them. The same imbeciles believe everything a politician says, everything a banker says, everything anyone in the mainstream media says. Their world is simple, kind of like the world of a 5 year old...thats where they got stuck mentally. They lack any real world experience. Sadly, we see such people even in this thread and ironically, they even think they are the smart ones.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Ah again, an awful trader and a bigot telling that we are the imbeciles. Become a winner and we will talk. Otherwise you are in no place to talk about who's right or who is wrong. Anyways we need people like you, if people like you don't exist who are we going to rip off?Ignored
Disliked{quote} dude. it wasn't about you now. I don't think you understand writing.Ignored
Disliked{quote} He clearly targets me and Techanalyst by saying "here we have that kind of people too" because we are criticising anti-vaxers. Well we gonna side with science and scientists not with rumours.Ignored
Disliked{quote} he talks about the blind who believe almost everything the power tells them.Ignored