I'm a new trade student,
Analyze my entries and say what you think?
Sorry about my English.

Thank you!!
"No pain no gain"
MT4: how to change "EURUSD" to "#EURUSD"? 3 replies
Re: EurUsd short term 15 replies
did oanda just drop its spread for eurusd to 1 pip? 11 replies
EA for multiple lot limit order for EURUSD 0 replies
NFP nice bump up on EURUSD 2 replies
Disliked{quote} I am really confused everytime I hear the word confirmation in market analysis. But I don't want to ask, and I don't want to argue. But why did I comment on your post? Maybe I want tos say something.. that the market never give confirmation just clue. Show obvious sign but never promise. Hint of direction but never guarantee. I guess I am just drunk. Why I am telling this. @ohcomeon where are you? Is it you who are posting while drunk? What did I type, what did I say? Is it really true that the word confirmation should never use? In order...Ignored
DislikedHere we are.. if 1.1250 break below... we going down hard.... if not, it will sky rocket... Gl bears and bulls.... Going to try 1 more buy here at 1.1250.... got to taie chanxes on bounce... SL set to 1.1235Ignored
Dislikedusd/cad just open sell t/p 200 pips s/l 13 pips lets see {image}Ignored
Disliked{quote} Eur - Sell X Cad - Buy Look at the graphics Day 06/04 {image}Ignored
DislikedGoing long or going home.......this ride is going up I'm not shorting. 1.134 is the destination!Ignored
Disliked{quote} going to need to assemble my bear team soon... where you bears at...Ignored