Disliked{quote} the euro seems to be holding its ground since 2009. fundi wise with cheaper u.s. energy. more and more ez manufacturing will be making its way to n.america. it just takes time. the euro in the ez = out against its members. the problem they will have more, and more, is competition. cheaper energy will always win since energy is the most expensive cost in manufacturing. many European Z based companies have already built and expanded plants in N. America recently.Ignored
Disliked{quote} Companies like Beretta are doing the same, for the above reasons now. as time goes on many European companies will be selling exports to the ez with their European logo. on the other hand a higher eu makes the energy cheaper for the ez to buy from N. America. that's a valid argument. the truth is most of the ez oil does not come from the Americas. When the Germans can build a car, and ship it cheaper, from N America to Germany. the shit will hit the fan. Beretta has taken that bet.Ignored
those who can, do. those who cant, talk about those who can