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Trying scalping with a 1000 bucks - Scalping is expensive! 39 replies
Forex | The World of Johnny Kobol 007 934 replies
1M & 5M Scalping System (Scalping Paradise) 21 replies
DislikedOk going to give you an approach that is a licence to print money. In the last 9 years or so that I have kept stats. Never had a win rate under 75% in any month, mainly in the 80-90% range, with the losses being tiny and often trades closed before stop loss hit. The win rate does not rely on ridiculous levels of drawdown for its success, in fact it is so small its hardly worth mentioning. Here is screen shot to give you some idea of approach. {image} Its in and out for the most part. Precise entry and take the initial reaction. Or take half and...Ignored
DislikedAPRIL FOOL Wait wait wait ! Look I did not do this to be mean and FF rather muted the affect by moving to Journals when it was clearly a system I was talking about. Those who anticipated this like Fighterdude may get it, those who respond with petulance are really what this is all about. Anyway that aside the intention was to draw attention to a lot of the absurdity that abounds in FF. I have no desire to be Guru and such crap seriously. Pretty sure the old hands will understand were Im coming from and you new guys really have to question yourselves....Ignored