you can use any indicator as you like for building your confidence,
but please do not discuss details about those indicators in this thread,
this thread is dedicated only for nihilist indicators,
i shared here so many indicators, you can use some of them but not all of them.
i suggest to use only few indicators, if you use many indicators you will be lost behind on those, they will hamper your trading decesion.
i think if you use holygrail template properly that is enough for hunting pips, even you can gain 500+ pips every week.
you need practice and lot of homeworks,
it is not possible for me to teach you everything, it is you who can educate yourself.
i will discuss with you about trading in the thread from the 3rd week of April,
it will be better for you if you read all the thread once again.
i promise you, i will try to do everything for make you profitable trader,
i encouraged you to use holygrail template only,
but please do not discuss details about those indicators in this thread,
this thread is dedicated only for nihilist indicators,
i shared here so many indicators, you can use some of them but not all of them.
i suggest to use only few indicators, if you use many indicators you will be lost behind on those, they will hamper your trading decesion.
i think if you use holygrail template properly that is enough for hunting pips, even you can gain 500+ pips every week.
you need practice and lot of homeworks,
it is not possible for me to teach you everything, it is you who can educate yourself.
i will discuss with you about trading in the thread from the 3rd week of April,
it will be better for you if you read all the thread once again.
i promise you, i will try to do everything for make you profitable trader,
i encouraged you to use holygrail template only,
Every man who thinks ahead of his time is sure to be misunderstood.