DislikedIt amazes me how people mix dreams and hopes with knowledge. Professional traders have a fixed salary and then a % of the benefits they generate. Yo need a gigantic account size to live confortably from your trading, very few people have this kind of level. I would consider normal for someone to teach and trade (although most teachers are fakes). Thinking you can do 100%s of your account consistently and live from it is just day dreaming. Look at the world around you, at the profitability hedge funds, CTAs and investment funds can offer to their...Ignored
Professional traders are NOT ALL on a fixed salary.
A "gigantic account" is rather relative as well as "living comfortably". You should define it. I will make an assumption of my own. That what you most likely consider a gigantic account is NOT needed to trade for a living.
Finally, don't compare retail or proprietary traders with HF's, CTA's & real money funds in the capacity of returns. You have no idea of the model of either if you attempt to compare in the way your post states.
Disliked{quote} My point is that no system, even those that trade the higher time frames, manages to be right 100 % of the time, that is, win in every trade. If there are probabilities involved, then trading is a game of chance, like gambling. When you have the big banks making millions of trades in an hour, your indicators and all technical analysis become useless because in those time frames the big boys can move the market as they see fit.Ignored
As someone who believes and does to a certain extent, that you can trade without indicators I completely disagree with this post. Anyone who says that they become useless on a certain timeframe doesn't fully understand the mechanics of the indicator. I will go further and say that if you believe that what happens on a 1 minute chart is just noise also doesn't fully comprehend the structure of the market. I don't understand how you can think that way if you really contemplated what happens in ALL markets at any given point in time. There are very successful traders who think that there is no way to trade below 15 min charts. Just because they are successful does that make them right? No, it does not.
In my opinion when posts like these are written the author has these feelings/beliefs because it makes them feel more secure or rationalizes some failings on the their part. FF has a lot of BS and it's growing more rapidly it seems, but there are nuggets of gold throughout FF as well.
I hope the best to both you.