Dislikedthe question is....can you beat the system? designed by men of a higher functioning than you.They are born predators, to feed off the toil of men of lower mental functioning. That's why you look up to them, for a leader, for a saviour. because you realize you are defeated, inadequate. And for as look as you look up, your portion shall be mud & dung, until you look inside of you.....and say give me a fair chance or give me death! you see we are many, but controlled by a few. you are nothing but a controlled animal, a beast of burden, yet you talk...Ignored
no-one beats the system. the system isnt something to beat, it just 'is'
aiming to beat something that 'is' is akin to trying to stop water flowing.
don't beat it, just play it the way that the system is designed.
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