Disliked{quote} There must be something of value there then for there to be so many posts, no?Ignored
If a system works and the rules are clearly laid out, there is nothing left to post.
Please suggest a simple & effective Method/System of "Trading System" Forum to newbie 180 replies
Another great Breakout GBP/JPY System (Dachel's Simple system) 62 replies
An Easy System (With the help of ES Trader - Another Simple System) 13 replies
Can someone code this ridiculously simple MA indi? 1 reply
Have You ever Used Rss System 2 replies
Disliked{quote} There must be something of value there then for there to be so many posts, no?Ignored
Disliked{quote} No. If a system works and the rules are clearly laid out, there is nothing left to post.Ignored
DislikedHi Guys, i have dipped in and out of TMS, I haven't really got to grips with it to be honest. I have been looking on the "TMS for Daily charts" which may suit me better, I have found a summary of posts from an important and respected person, BIG E, special thanks to the person who compiled it all.....hope you find it helpful. Should be attached here, ( go easy with me as this is my first uploaded file,..) {image}
Dislikeddrewas thanks for posting this system. i am having some success with TMS for day charts. i have a full time day job, do you think this is feasible on daily charts? also you mentioned you trade this around a day job, can i ask what timeframe and trading sessions you use? many thanksIgnored
DislikedI like your level-headed tone Drewas, it makes a refreshing changeI have a question - do you look for an entry when you see a sun or a basic dot? Thanks.
Dislikedim trying to load this template on achart as in post1 after installing all the indicators but it keeps crashing multiple broker demos i have tried it on - anybody else having similar experiences? any advice drewas? thanksIgnored
Dislikedim trying to load this template on achart as in post1 after installing all the indicators but it keeps crashing multiple broker demos i have tried it on - anybody else having similar experiences? any advice drewas? thanksIgnored