Oh, and notice that Vegas trades the longer frames. There are reasons for that, and one probably has to do with situations like these.
Stop Hunting 11 replies
Stop Hunting? 18 replies
Stop hunting 1 reply
Stop Hunting and Demos 1 reply
Quoting azmiDislikedOanda use JAVA based platform. Do you mean to say that they have the ability to do this to their retail customers?Ignored
Quoting azmiDislikedPurple,
What can a small fish do in small lagoon fill with sharks.
Most bucket shop offer free info on how to trade FX. Stop loss is mentioned as part for how FX is traded to protect your hard earned money and if you follow it closely in the long run your dreams will come true. I guess they just ripped your account to shreads.
Why are they doing this. The spread from every trade is not enough for them? The huge Fx market in the size of trillions and they have to resort to this. Ripping off their customer at every corner.Ignored
Quoting azmiDislikedPurple,
What can a small fish do in small lagoon fill with sharks.
Why are they doing this. The spread from every trade is not enough for them? The huge Fx market in the size of trillions and they have to resort to this. Ripping off their customer at every corner.Ignored
Quoting ClaudeDislikedA good friend of mine had an uncle who was shot for what was in his wallet. $80.
I don't know why people fail to believe that a broker market maker won't manipulate the price for thousands with no consequences. The worst that can happen. he has to give back the money.
What can the little guy do stop trading with bucket shops. Looking to accounts that are ECN direct routing, no dealing desk. If enough traders are switching. It would send a strong message.Ignored
Quoting PurpleDislikedAzmi I was not the victim in this thread, its someone else; the threadstarter's freind.
You see if I put a stop loss and the market touches that price, I dont have any issue; because even than the broker risks his money in the market to drag the price to that level. He himselves enters the market to move it.Ignored
QuoteDislikedBut what we are talking here is that the market never came to my stop loss point and the broker gave me a 'artificial' price chart; telling me thats the real market chart; and that my stoploss was triggered.
And by looking at the chart at first post and one streamed by Onada itself, its very clear that some brokers dont want just a small percentage of your money (ie spread), they want all your money. Your entire account amount. And they will go to any lengths to do it.
Quoting renasdadDislikedWell, I read the whole Oanda thread and they haven't responded yet. Now, my question is, since so many brokers have the ability to do this, what is the best way to get around it other than not having stops? Do we just not have positions open during news? This really worries me. I stay away from news time as much as I can because of whipsaws. I have been trading on the 4 hr charts as well so, that probability is not as great for me but the thought of them doing this.Ignored
Quoting kolachiDislikedThis thread has been very informative.Can anyone name few ECN so that I may browse them for shifting to ECN than brokers with dealing desks.
It would be much helpful if some one in few lines explain me the comission/fee per round trip.What is this round trip.
Quoting kolachiDislikedThanks MrMikal for giving info about MBT and IB.
I have checked the website of MB Trading as well as Interbankfx.Both are quite reasonable.
I in my personal view liked the MBT.they clearly display that they do not have any dealing desk and hence no vested interest to hunt or manipulation.the commision is $0.5 per lot of $10,000.It means a commision of about half pip.I think it is not bad deal.
I am not clear about one thing which I need to ask.
If I want to open a carry trade where swap is favourable for me and I do not close it for two weeks.What will happen to commission.Will I be charged daily for this open position or is it one time charged till position is open?
Any who has experience of MBT or commision trading is requested to reply.Ignored
Quoting merlinDislikedyeah i agree. forex sucks. i think i'll go get ripped off by the specialists at the NYSE, or maybe ill head up to Chicago to get robbed at the CME. or i could trade NASDAQ and get shitted on a bad ARCA fill. hmmm...maybe i will just stick to forex and avoid scalping FOMC announcementsIgnored