DislikedAll long threads fit the model of the first post. If a system works and is clearly presented there is nothing left to post about.Why would there be hundreds of posts saying "I understand the rules and it works"? Long winded threads mean the rules are vague, are continually changing or the method does not work and is being constantly adjusted.The best methods on this forum may not have over 8 or 10 posts.Ignored
Personal belief systems
Suppose I make a system that is 30% correct and 70% incorrect. I am fine with the system. I believe that winning ony 3 out of 10 trades is good. Because I have certain beliefs about trading in general.
My rules can be clearly defined and the entire system can be summed up in one short post. But what happens?
Reader 1 reads the system but can not handle being wrong more than he is right. So reader 1 begins to look for filters-new indicators or rules to improve the performance of the system.
Reader 2 comes along. Now he is okay with the win/loss percentage but he has a belief in a set of magical numbers. So instead of using my rule of 4 periods, he changes it to the closest magical number which is 6.
This is what happens as a system is exposed to the masses. Each individual filters the system through his or her own belief system. So a system that could be summed up in one post becomes a thread of thousands where very few of the posts emmulate the original posted system.
Wyckoff VSA: (1) Supply & Demand (2) Effort vs. Result (3) Cause & Effect