DislikedFrom a previous post of mine . . .
The fact that between 90-95% of traders lose money is more than adequate evidence that trading is not easy. My strategy is to see what these 90-95% are doing and do the opposite.
A mechanical system is simply a set of rules to build a case for entering the market. The biggest hurdle facing traders is what to do after a trade is placed. Therein lies the greatest psychological challenge.
[font=Calibri][size=3]A complete trading...Ignored
I think it's possible to reach a state where trading becomes easy though, like any profession. Practice cannot make perfect in trading but it can certainly make near perfect where you worry very little about any given trade because you know your entries are so solid that you'll win more than you lose regardless of that single trade.
Anyway, i'm going to add a leftfield answer into the mix here. How about "paranoia" as a reason that so many traders fail? Of course, we have all been a little paranoid that certain trades will reverse on us from time to time but when I first started trading, I had massive broker paranoia. I'd read so much about how corrupt brokers were that I was convinced that they were going to roll the chart against my profitable position and take my stop out. I'm actually slightly ashamed to admit that now but I have no doubt that this paranoia lead to me closing trades way too early in the embryonic stages of my trading career.
There's another reason as well. It's the elephant in the room. Few will ever talk about it, few will ever want to admit to it regardless of whether they are in the winners circle or not. Some will deny it to themselves through delusion. Most of us realise it and there's probably a fair few people thinking it right now but don't want to be the one's to have to say it...to admit it.........come on, who will release that elephant?