Many people start PMing me, calling me a names, ignoring me, shouting on my page "you only critique us, give us system, holy grail of yours!". Some people just act nice and try manipulate me by sweet words or in terms of "charity" to help or give my whole lifework just like that. You people can not be successful - not that I do not wish it for you but you clearly below any chance of being successful long-term, you base on the low, like a rat of forex or someone who live in sewage. You have no hope and if you will find or do anything working long term you are king of rats for a while but when cheese is gone and system stop work you will fall back but this is less than 1% of people will experience in their life. This is most users of this forum with no self respect, full of spiritual nonsense, some kind of "success visualization" - coping tactics they can not face their failure and themselves as failure which is important to move on further from rat/sewage stage of a trader. This is starting stage. Next stage is your regular trade with some of self respect who look into moving averages, RSIs, price action all kind of nonsense and trying to make sense out of it. Those will never be successful long term, they can make some money here and there, maybe get some vacation, maybe get a new car or maybe they can spark up their financial life a bit with that approach but they will lost money long term. Those people at this stage are trapped in loop of Illusory correlation which means "tendency to see expected correlations even when they do not exist; leading people to see structure when there is none" This is you will never be succesful as such regular trader. You will call names people who point out your illusory correlation, this is another majority of this forum. Illusion will cease to be once you blow your account. Next stage is people who move in elite of traders, banks, hedge funds and people who know what they are doing - those people know the market to some extent, for some of those people market is like good friend, for some market is like family. To be on this stage you need to have proper connection which are very hard to get, you need yourself know the dots and how to connect it. I'm not doing any conspiracy thing, you doing conspiracy about this stage because you do not understand how things are and neither I but I have limited knowledge about it, behind close doors a lot can happen. If you can connect dots you may ride the train but this is not which is highest tier trader should be. Highest trader is someone who is high on morality, understands markets from the level before even price comes to existence as he knows cause and effect, have a lot of self respect, a lot of wisdom, a lot of experience and a lot of years into market. This is what people should aim and strive but only some of them, as most people will be stuck in their own limitations - but some of you, maybe less than 1% can reach this stage. Drop 100,000 people in middle of nowhere, with no food, water and in constant danger, if you can develop such perception and make thru all of this you will make in the market on that level. There is holy grail, I didn't believe it but there is holy grail, but this is not something you chase for - certain people want you to follow the non-existent holy grail with the illusion of it you randomly chase whatever the wind blows, the moment you feel the wind you think you are going for it but just be burnt like wings of wax, the close you come the light or sun, the more they dripping and melting. Holy grail is in your perception of market beyond illusory correlation, beyond indicators, beyond price actions, beyond naked trading, pattern trading, beyond anything - if you discard everything, one way or another you will get there.
By constantly having no [desire] one views its wonders;
By constantly having [desire], one views its limits.
These two have the same origin, but they differ in name;
Both are called Mystery.
By constantly having no [desire] one views its wonders;
By constantly having [desire], one views its limits.
These two have the same origin, but they differ in name;
Both are called Mystery.