At this moment spread is at 0.6 for the EUR/USD , is this an error ??
Oanda users - Oanda widening spreads 62 replies
OANDA Canada vs OANDA Corp. 4 replies
EUR/USD spread on Oanda again at 1! 5 replies
Oanda spread versus MB Trading spread 27 replies
DislikedThis isn't a new thing. Below list is showing spreads of July 2010 till end of November 2010. 83% of the time spread was at 0.9. You can see that 0.6 wasn't the lowest. Spread of 10 pips consists of Friday evening weekend spread and news spread.Ignored
DislikedOANDA spread is a direct reflection of current market conditions. This lower than usual spread is the result of better pricing from our liquidity providers which we pass on to our clients.
OANDA spreads have never been promoted "As low as" due to its misleading nature. OANDA cannot offer 0.9 as a fixed spread, but if market conditions allow it we will offer 0.9 and lower as it was in this case. The current macroeconomic outlook has made spread awareness something traders need to be more aware of, and OANDA provides the tools and data to help...Ignored