During which time I want to try and maximise my chances of:
A) Getting an interview.
B) Getting a position.
So I have decided to set the task of getting these things done:
1) Get a full track record for all accounts, all in pdf and excel with equity curves, hit rates, ratios etc.
2) Become proficient in institutional programs and programming applications; CQG, excel, C++ etc [if you have any major programs which I should add please tell me!]
3) Get an internship during holidays, these are pretty easy to come across and partially the reason why I'm writing this.
Ok, here's my point.
In some of the applications it says "Applicants must have an advanced level of excel experience". I know how to set up most of the basic functions, although I haven't learnt to set up macro's etc.
I was hoping you kind people could point me in the direction of what is the most commonly used functions of excel in trading (I think it would be exporting data from programs such as CQG so you can produce data which could be analysed).
I would be most grateful if experienced traders of this board could help a little guy along and start a deep discussion about this somewhat dull subject!
Few things to discuss:
Valuable books to read
Most commonly used functions of excel
What institutional traders/firms use excel for
Thanks Again!