this in 24 hour case i calculate my self
12709 + 2.00% = 12963 max
12709 + 1.75% = 12931
12709 + 1.50% = 12900
in zz case
12717 + 1.50% = 12908
RSI level cross arrows (up->down down->up) 0 replies
there is any Free reliable data for Dollar Index, Down Jones and S&P? 4 replies
Monitor of flotting profit and draw down 0 replies
MB/EFX platform, website and phones down 4 replies
Martigale and Averaging Down 4 replies
Dislikedfinally it work
but i hope you can add something like "toy for PRO"
i hope you can add in breath of currency
there is 2 kind:
1] the lowest and the highest for last 24hour = last 24bar in h1, 48bars in m30, and so on
make a resisten and support line base on percent
from the last 24 hour lowest 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
from the last 24 hour highest -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0
it change every new bar / hour, so we can see the limit
2] zz style = just like in the picture, i calculate my self, it this case...Ignored
Dislikedi mean not make long line, make small line like daiy low/high.
the difference is it base on the lowest / highest last 24 hours , not daily.
so the box keep moving when new bar appear.
so the price will move "IN" the box lineed by percent.
zz style to calculate how many percent it rise / down from "previous" low, also not daily high /lowIgnored
DislikedHi Tau!
Using your indicator, I just got a sell signal in H1 TF on cable. Did u see that on your chart? What's your veiw? Do you currently have any position on this pair? How far down would you anticipate that the pair could go based on its current up moves? Also take a look at usdchf and hope to here 4rm u.
By the way, THANKS FOR SHARING this indicator.Ignored
DislikedYour Cow list is great
May I ask about your MM? Looks like many of your trades are placed w/o a hard stop. How are you handling downside risk?
DislikedYour system is loaded,if one can take good time to study what your indy are saying,its simply awesome bro.I just want to use this medium to commend you,and thank you for sharing.Ignored
I wanted to thank you for your emails. They are very informative.Ignored
you have a bloody lovely journal !!!
dont keep all the good stuff for yourself.will follow along .
i know i will get lots of tressure in this journal.
keep it up ma man.
love you.!!
DislikedEntered a short scalp type trade on UJ 1hr chart. Sold @ 86.97. SL 87.25 - TP 86.50?
Let's see...