You can develop succesful EAs which only need a little bit of babysitting. But as for just taking 2-3 Indicators to generate a Signal and letting it Trade 24/5 and making money for months. Not going to happen.
How serious are you about making money in Forex? 22 replies
How many real accounts have you blown before consistently making money in FX? 61 replies
Interbankfx - you making money with them yet? 16 replies
Are you making money 11 replies
Journal Factory posters - how much money are you making? 17 replies
Dislikedhere is my demo forward test only 5 month and 10000%
sorry I can't put my live statement here
DislikedYou can develop succesful EAs which only need a little bit of babysitting. But as for just taking 2-3 Indicators to generate a Signal and letting it Trade 24/5 and making money for months. Not going to happen.Ignored
DislikedMy EA All accounts traded by this EA were up from beginning and never reached 30% draw down. See example real account resultIgnored