Dislikedthe market is quiet now keep an eye on the first sign it will give us gbp has created a triangle and will break off soonIgnored

How do you know all the positions held by big players? 25 replies
ECN && STP && Scalping && Hedging - Broker Review - Oct 2009 24 replies
Central Banks and Big Players: Slight change in code reqd 7 replies
Japanese housewives are wrecking the forecasts of big players! 25 replies
Big players and Forex 4 replies
DislikedIts all relative to the price action going on at the time. If its dead quiet and you see a big move but the candle stick it less than 10 pips, its probably ok. You want to wait for at least 10 pips is when there is a lot of action going on, i.e just before the some bigs news, you may see plenty of 5-8 pip candles and choppy action. Avoid these.Ignored
DislikedI'm using quote tracker. I don't pay for it. The data feed is free if you have an IB account. The spread for EU is about .5 - 1 on average. EUJ is .5 -1.5 on average. IB is transparent. They do not earn commission on spread so you get lowest spreads possible.Ignored
DislikedStringer88 Hi.
how much they charge for in and out on 1 lot.
Thank you.Ignored
Dislikedguys i've come across a method just like tony's it seems to be a momentum method short term scalping PA on 10 sec charts.
the guy who does it made like 55000% a month (yeah u heard that right), he's repeated his performance several times, whatever he starts out with a few months down the line he's up several thousand percent.
thing is he's explained his system in a German forum in German so I can't really make out what he says even though I used babel fish to translate.
I'm hoping some one in here who trades Tony's system knows German and...Ignored
Disliked"Ich möchte hinzufügen, dass ich noch nie irgendwelche Strategien getestet habe. Ich habe noch nicht mal ein Buch gelesen. Ich habe einfach nur über 1 Jahr lang jeden Tag 10std die Charts angestarrt"
I would like to add that I have never tested any strategies. I never even read any books. I simply spent more than an entire year staring at the charts, 10 hours a day.Ignored
Dislikedi was thinking about trading those 5/6 candels with a 1pip tp ,because we get a lot of those,what do u think about thatIgnored
DislikedI'm hoping some one in here who trades Tony's system knows German and might have a look and describe the system for all of us.Ignored
Keine Ahnung, was du da für ne Strategie meinst.
No idea what you're mean to ne strategy.Ich möchte hinzufügen, dass ich noch nie irgendwelche Strategien getestet habe.
I should add that I have not been tested before any strategies.Ich habe noch nicht mal ein Buch gelesen.
I have not even read a book.Ich habe einfach nur über 1 Jahr lang jeden Tag 10std die Charts angestarrt und mit Hebelzertis auch schon etwas verloren.
I have just over 1 years for only 10hrs each day staring at the charts and with Hebelzertis already lost something.Mag sein, dass es ähnliche Strategien gibt.
It may be that there are similar strategies.Das 10sek Zeitfenster nehme ich, bei großen Bewegungen.
The 10sec time frame, I suppose, with large movements.Ich erkenne Volumen an der Skala.
I recognize the volume of the scale.Ich habe immer eine feste Fenstergröße für Usd/yen.
I always have a fixed window size for Yen Usd /.Sicher ist euch aufgefallen, das bei größeren Bewegungen aus der 2pip Skala, eine 5pipe Skala wird die immer enger wird.
Certainly you've noticed that in large scale movements from the 2pip a 5pipe scale is the increasingly close.Das sind dann die Momente wo ich voll absahne.
These are the moments when I fully skim.Bei der weiten 2 pipe Skala trade ich nocht nicht mal, da mir da das volumen schon zu klein ist.
For the next 2 pipe scale, I do not even trade Nocht, as I have because the volume is too small.Achtet mal drauf, ist ganz hilfreich.
Respect views on it, is quite helpful.Die Kerzen sind ja meist genauso aussagekräftig wie bei einer engeren Skala, nur das die Gewinnchanche höher ist, da ich ja eh bei kleinstem Verlust aussteige, bringt die Bewegung in meine Richtung mehr Pipes ein
The candles are usually just so meaningful as in a narrower scale, is only the Gewinnchanche higher, since I get out anyway at the smallest loss, bringing the movement in my direction more PipesGute Nacht
Good nightDislikedI also would like to see a good translation of the web pages by someone who is fluent in German. Maybe we can get a better understanding how he did it and duplicate some of his success. Like you inferred it does sound similar to what Tony is doing. Using google translator below is some more of what was posted but it is not very clear.
Hej Siscop
Keine Ahnung, was du da für ne Strategie meinst.
No idea what you're mean to ne strategy.Ich möchte hinzufügen, dass ich noch nie irgendwelche Strategien getestet habe.
DislikedIve been hovering this thread for about 2 months. I have also had an indicator made for Ninja trader with an alarm to try to use tony 12...Ignored