DislikedPS. and while they are at it, let OCO stay and add contingent OCO. OK? Just do it.
PS2. Poor Jason, he is gonna be bombarded with questions, the FXCM Ambassador's job is not gonna be easy for awhile. He has to post what the position of FXCM's management is, whether or not he totally agrees with it or not. When is FXCM's NFA rule interpreter gonna throw the white flag. It's overdue.Ignored
I know FXCM has many critics and detractors, but until now, I was never among them. And my only criticism is the manner in which they have chosen to respond to these changing NFA regulations.
If they make auto or at least contingent oco available, I'll be happy again. If not, then I may have no other option but to move to a broker who does make such orders available, i.e. auto stop loss and limit or contingent oco. As it is, during the past few days I have moved back to futures for the majority of my EUR and GBP trades. For now I will only trade a few of the crossrates with FXCM in preparation for the disabling of stop and limit functionality.