DislikedBut if the elite control the markets (money) wouldnt it be naive to think they dont control the world???Ignored
DislikedDo you know that the worlds industry and political leaders meet SECRETLY every year in two different groups sworn to secrecy. Bilderberg Group, and Bohemian Grove??? What do you think they talk about at the Bohemian Grove where leaders stay for 2 weeks???Ignored
It's only because there's no press allowed, no final statements issued, that conspiracy theories have appeared.
It started as meetings to discuss the growth of anti-Americanism in Western Europe; and continued as a tradition, to discuss several world issues related to economics, politics, finantial, and so on.
It's a small world and, what about that, I personally know 1 attendee... and am very close to another (leader of one of the biggest and most powerfull countries of Europe) who will probably be attending one soon enough, so... I might carry a gun next time I go visit them, point it to their head, and make them tell me the truth Of course I would have to shoot myself in the end, but at least I would die knowing the big secrets.
DislikedThey have predicted that in 2009/2010 the American dollar will be dumped. Paper money will be useless.
Coincedently this would be the the same time that Mal sees other currencies go lower. The market, because of derivates will crash.Ignored
Anyway, you'll always find one conspiracy theory to fit a particular event on a particular time.
For me, the manipulators are the ones that feed these conspiracy theories... cause they manipulate the sheep into it, and win money selling it.