Today Asian session GBPJYP 5mins trade.
Sell : 160.96, T/P : 160.46
Trade close by 50 pips visible T/P.
Below is my set file.
Sell : 160.96, T/P : 160.46
Trade close by 50 pips visible T/P.
Below is my set file.
Attached File(s)
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DislikedHello fellow traders,
I'm having problems after putting the THV EA v 06 template on my platfirm it always colapses. Afterthat it shows error screen. Anybody knows what's the problem. Thanks a lot.
Can I use this system on my Insta Trader? After importing all indicators and experts I have crash of my system.
Thank you.Ignored
DislikedTry downloading the v06 files again from 1st post.If the system still crashes let us know.Ignored
I've tried it again and the result is the same - crash :-(
The interesting is that template v05 does not crash the mt4.
Is there a difference between the two? Is it ok to use template v05 on EAv06?
DislikedStrange, I dont have the issue on my Vista/FxPro MT4 (v224). Any body else has this issue?
Cesta, can you re-install mt4 and try again?Ignored
I've tried it again and the result is the same - crash :-(
The interesting is that template v05 does not crash the mt4.
Is there a difference between the two? Is it ok to use template v05 on EAv06?
DislikedI will post my new set file for usdcad from once I get home tonight. Here are the results from my work machine. One big loser but at the same time one big winner. I will be looking at why the -233 happend...Ignored
If you are using Vista OS, You need to make sure you're logged in as admistrator and try to disable UAC and restart your system then try reinstalling mt4 and the EA. It should work.
I had the same problem and this process solved it. UAC is painful to deal with in Vista home.Ignored
DislikedStrange, I dont have the issue on my Vista/FxPro MT4 (v224). Any body else has this issue?
Cesta, can you re-install mt4 and try again?Ignored
DislikedTry with the latest version of MT4, if it does not solve the issue, try dowloading the v06 files from 1st post, if after all these if the issue still persists, let us know.Ignored
DislikedHi all,
I am very comfortable with entries, however, the exits seem to be a bit rough....Ignored
QuoteDislikedIndicator based exits are valid only once, so as an example if an exit signal of iMaxCross occurs, this triggers a partial exit. If the next exit signal that occurs is MTFIchimokuDot1 which is again indicator based, it is ignored.
I have just opened a $ 10,000.00 demo account with MB Trading (I think the only true ECN broker using Meta Trader).