DislikedTrader KGB, which do you prefer STP as Falcon has brought up or ECN and why?Ignored

Market Makers Vs STP Vs ECN - Newbies should read 1 reply
ECN && STP && Scalping && Hedging - Broker Review - Oct 2009 24 replies
Cheapest ECN Comissions - Vantage FX ECN 10 replies
Leaves of Grass 28 replies
ECN vs Market Makers 1 reply
DislikedTrader KGB, which do you prefer STP as Falcon has brought up or ECN and why?Ignored
DislikedECN, mainly b/c 9 times out of 10, it presents an overall cheaper transaction environment than STP. Also, for my trading size, it is advantageous to analyze the current market depth when entering/exitting a trade, rather than rely on the unknown depth of an STP or DD broker.Ignored
DislikedHas anyone had any experience with Invet Tech Fx www.investtechfx.com
Supposedly ECN with very low spreads. I've been demoing successfully but interested if anyone has had a live account and any feedback + or -Ignored
DislikedNo mention of ECN, no CFTC/NFA registration, site looks amateurish, 500:1 and 1-pip majors is a call-sign of the fraudulent, nearly an exact replica of Crown (which recently went belly up along with the client accounts).Ignored
DislikedSo after having a conversation with someone at Invest Tech (which did take a series of leaving my number and waiting for a callback) they explained that they are a NDD company, not even actually a broker and that clients funds are deposited with Globex Interbank.Ignored
DislikedThe funny thing about these fly-by-night shops is they really fail at any attempt not to look like 2-bit operations..Ignored
DislikedFXo, u seem to be the brain box here,I read ur thread, I've bn trading demo for long and I think it's high time I started trading real,d broker I have in mind is alpari,can I use alpari? or which broker would u suggest I use.Ignored