DislikedJD this looks interesting. Thanks for sharing. One thought that came up earlier in the thread is limiting losses on the weekly trades by trading with the trend. Can you please tell me
- How long have you traded this method?
- Win - loss % (guesstimate is fine)
- Why the Eu only
- Have you tested on any other pairs?
I'd appreciate the info to get a feel for how well this method works.
roughly 60- 70% across the majors, but then again I am taking more trades as explained above on additional continuations of the original trend. I tend to lean more on the eur usd as I find it to trend more, it has more liquidity and the best spreads, but its not the only pair i trade this method with. GBPJPY looks to be fabulous on visual backtest but I have not traded that yet. I plan on doing so starting next week.
Trading with a 15- 20 point buffer may work for some people but I honestly think that the trend MUST be determined before just taking a price breach trade. I have found that it keeps me out of some bad trades. All that being said, I may get in a little later on the trade but I feel more confident about the direction of the trade.
I move to breakeven after 50 pips. I hope this info helps.