Nothing to it, but to do it!!! Stick to the plan FOOL!!!!

- | Membership Revoked | Joined Aug 2006 | 11,977 Posts
Nothing to it, but to do it!!! Stick to the plan FOOL!!!!
10 pips a day can make you rich quickly 242 replies
Anyway to look at a 1 minute chart from 1 year ago quickly? 1 reply
How quickly & far can a currency change direction 7 replies
Can anybody have ideas why price goes down very quickly in that two days! 13 replies
Dislikedif you have to sell it ..your not making it. mparker is selling it? I believe...Enough said.
another Obama. my profit when it happens and shared losses when it doesnt'Ignored
DislikedAccording to sources: He is on dissability benefit so he doesnt need to work.Ignored
Dislikedif you have to sell it ..your not making it. mparker is selling it? I believe...Enough said.
another Obama. my profit when it happens and shared losses when it doesnt'Ignored
So how's the "Crown" institutional feed you have coming along?
You know? Because you run a fund?Ignored
DislikedMP btw when did you learn to multitask ,,and how ?
must been hard work i guess.? not far ago you would maby only take 1-3 trades a day...but now you have trades open all over..
how did you get rid of the problem ..and is it only in trading or did it also affect everything else in the daily life.....
and BTW risflex its actually kind of useless to try getting any real answers from him..when you ask an question..5-7 other from his crew spam the question...everything not spamed down .
but pretty clever..its not a system..its a method...even we got tops .bottoms..macd..cci..lcr...what is the difference..Ignored
Dislikedwhile everyone knows my feelings, teachings and what the newbs are producing in only a few weeks over on my threadIgnored
Dislikedwe do have a way around it which even the moderator cannot alter and we shall begin implementing it towards the end of this week, so we thank you for your observations which have certainly been appreciated and acted upon !Ignored
If you spent more time concentrating & focusing on that to which you supposedly claim you’re adept at, than trying to body swerve & outsmart the moderators/site management (whilst massaging your ego), you might, just might begin to deflect the contempt you appear to attract from the vast majority of neutrals.Ignored
Dislikedbtw, while i respect her tremendously, although she lacks the "intestinal fortitude" to deal with me on a one on one situation, do you by any chance know one "Tess ?"
but alas and alack, we could never communicate well and i feel a tremendous sadness and lossIgnored
DislikedWell rest assured, the sadness & loss is in no way reciprocated.
[font=Times New Roman][size=3]Apparently, that joint was so glad to see the back of you & your ridiculous circus. Appears your persuasive powers & formidable “teaching” prowess fell on stony ground there huh?...Ignored