Yes I do have Skype. It's a great utility!

Twitch Journal - Live Journal 4 replies
Creating my Trading Plan + My Trading Journal 27 replies
Another Trading Journal - Yuhu's Journal 16 replies
My Personal journal up 18% in 2 months going to start a journal 8 replies
Azzity's Trading Journal III (Azzity's 3/30 Trading Method) 9 replies
DislikedEverybody who start trading, have only one think in mind: "money money money".
It is not only a fact of discipline, to "win" in forex a trader must have experience, it take years, but as soon as you stop thinking to money, you start to understand what trading is, and it's a great game! Maybe the best one i ever knowed, it have his own rules, his tricks, his behaviors!
The only thing a trader must do, look the market for what it really is, and not look at it as an ATM machine!
When a trader recnognize and realize these facts, he is an "Expert...Ignored
DislikedI 100% agree i have a friend.actually now ex friendi showed him i made like 1k pips on trades i made in 2 weeks....his response is well i trade standard lots a better trader...(i was on micro)
I was like man this guy clearly doesnt understand what trading is about....i wish he would read yur post!
the money is simply a by-product of good decisions and trade managment, if u can build a small account, a large account will be like second nature....pips is pips
thinking of money whilst trading= trading with emotion....adding everything...Ignored
DislikedNavin, i never said anything to insult you or your trading i only said that i made it to standart lots and im doing alright. Dont get upset if your trading style is different and doesnt make sense to me when you come out of the blue during the trading hours. If you are making money the way you trade that is all that matters. I appreciate your good intentions but i have found a solild method that works for me since a long time ago. Trade well.Ignored
DislikedIm happy yur trading well and long may it continue..I have no hard feeling towards u and am happy u have responded the way u have...
trade well and safe and may we both last the distanceIgnored