DislikedI know this guy whose in his early twenties who started trading forex little over 2 years ago and now has his own company, drives a ferrari and has a £800k house.
How does he do it?Ignored
oh my God!
Working towards CME membership
Does being a Good Chess Player make you a better FX Trader 59 replies
If you make money, does Oanda make money? 35 replies
Bulls make money, Bears make money. And Pigs get slaughtered. 12 replies
How does your broker make money from you? 7 replies
How does one actually make money at forex? 15 replies
DislikedI know this guy whose in his early twenties who started trading forex little over 2 years ago and now has his own company, drives a ferrari and has a £800k house.
How does he do it?Ignored
Dislikedso if you know him...what's the point of the question?!?!
oh my God!Ignored
Dislikedso if you know him...what's the point of the question?!?!
oh my God!Ignored
DislikedPerhaps he made money from selling his trading system as well as trading!
I personally know someone who has done this, he made a great deal of money selling a complete training course, whilst trading for himself also. BTW he has only been trading 2 years, and could be considered very wealthy!
there is no secret - all of the above mentioned facts - a system with an edge, leverage, compounding, full time trading and trading a range of markets will all allow you to achieve what you are asking, sometihng else that is very important is adequate capitalisation. You are never (shouldn't say never as in theory it is possible, however also unlikely) going to make $1000000 starting with $1000, it is easier to make $1000000 if you start with $1000000 (ok maybe $100000). When I say easier, I don't mean easy, you still have to fill all of the above criteria and be a good trader to boot.
Good luck.Ignored
DislikedYou can, however move on quite a bit, when in market situations with very very high probability set ups, you risk like 20% instead of 2% of your account. Then you can see your account almost literally explode.Like with every 50 pips the market moves in your direction, your micro-account goes up another 100%.
DislikedI know this guy whose in his early twenties who started trading forex little over 2 years ago and now has his own company, drives a ferrari and has a £800k house.
How does he do it?Ignored
DislikedAre you sure these two are tied. If I recall one of them doesn't spend any money on food - so she has more cash than the other...
=31 Ashley Olsen ... 18
... Actress/Co-President DualStar Entertainment ... $137 million
=31Mary-Kate Olsen ... 18
... Actress/Co-President DualStar Entertainment ... $137 millionIgnored
DislikedAre you sure these two are tied. If I recall one of them doesn't spend any money on food - so she has more cash than the other...
=31 Ashley Olsen ... 18
... Actress/Co-President DualStar Entertainment ... $137 million
=31Mary-Kate Olsen ... 18
... Actress/Co-President DualStar Entertainment ... $137 millionIgnored
DislikedI know this guy whose in his early twenties who started trading forex little over 2 years ago and now has his own company, drives a ferrari and has a £800k house.
How does he do it?Ignored
DislikedAre you sure these two are tied. If I recall one of them doesn't spend any money on food - so she has more cash than the other...
=31 Ashley Olsen ... 18
... Actress/Co-President DualStar Entertainment ... $137 million
=31Mary-Kate Olsen ... 18
... Actress/Co-President DualStar Entertainment ... $137 millionIgnored