Dislikedyes, i agree indeed .
the question is a trap .
remember that most broker need us to state that the money we put to play are not afecting our lifestyle.Ignored

Does being a Good Chess Player make you a better FX Trader 59 replies
If you make money, does Oanda make money? 35 replies
Bulls make money, Bears make money. And Pigs get slaughtered. 12 replies
How does your broker make money from you? 7 replies
How does one actually make money at forex? 15 replies
DislikedPerhaps he made money from selling his trading system as well as trading!
I personally know someone who has done this, he made a great deal of money selling a complete training course, whilst trading for himself also. BTW he has only been trading 2 years, and could be considered very wealthy!
there is no secret - all of the above mentioned facts - a system with an edge, leverage, compounding, full time trading and trading a range of markets will all allow you to achieve what you are asking, sometihng else that is very important is adequate capitalisation. You are never (shouldn't say never as in theory it is possible, however also unlikely) going to make $1000000 starting with $1000, it is easier to make $1000000 if you start with $1000000 (ok maybe $100000). When I say easier, I don't mean easy, you still have to fill all of the above criteria and be a good trader to boot.
Good luck.Ignored
DislikedHate to open this can of worms, but even if you are doing well in forex, you still have to find a credible broker.
I have struggled with this a lot lately. Is an ECN the only way to not be cheated? Are any brokers out there not making money when we lose? Thanks.Ignored
DislikedI know this guy whose in his early twenties who started trading forex little over 2 years ago and now has his own company, drives a ferrari and has a £800k house.
How does he do it?Ignored
DislikedI know this guy whose in his early twenties who started trading forex little over 2 years ago and now has his own company, drives a ferrari and has a £800k house.
How does he do it?Ignored
DislikedI love the "skeptics" on this forum. If someone is reported as actually making it in Forex Trading, must be a hoax. Can't be ture. Can't be done.
Well, I like to believe, it can be done and IS being done. Soon to be my turn as well.Ignored
DislikedA short and to the point story:
When I was in my twenties I worked for a guy who had a Rolls Royce. He asked me to drive it from NY to Montreal so he and his wife could drive it leisurely back over a holiday (Labor Day) weekend.
I arrived in downtown Montreal friday afternoon crawling along in traffic, windows down and stereo cranked up. A pedestrian who was walking as quick as I was driving, asked from the sidewalk "what does someone do for a living to drive a car like that".
Well I could have given him a BS story. Its not my style. I honestly answered that "what I did for living" was work for the guy who actually owned the vehicle.
Moral of the story is you never know the true story unless you actually do. Unless you know first hand, you never really know.Ignored
Dislikedif you are so sure this is not BS, then that must mean that you know the guy well. so i have to ask myself, why are you on the forum asking us how he does it? you are the one who knows him so well and the only info we have about him is what you are telling us!![]()
when things dont make sense, like this thread, it usually ends up being some hoax or bullshit or spam or all of the above. we get this all the time, so dont take offense to people treating this thread like its a joke.Ignored
DislikedMy friend, I am certainly no skeptic, I understand the life changing potential of the situation here, I realise that with a lot of hard work it is possible to be very successful in this game. My main point was just that as well as what everyone else had said, being adequately capitalised is going to make a big difference.
FXBabe, whereabouts in the UK are you based?
(not a come on before you get the wrong idea, just interested that's all)
Good luck all.Ignored
DislikedHe said average is 2-3 days. If he makes profit for his client he takes a portion of the profit.Ignored
DislikedThat sounds like a possible swing trading system...has he let you know his win/loss percentage?
Or maybe his avg win $ versus avg loss $?Ignored