Trading Journal (only my take) 401 replies
Bird is the word - 1 word trading advice 120 replies
Another Trading Journal - Yuhu's Journal 16 replies
Creating a Trade Journal for Word/Excel 0 replies
Dislikedhi all..
Well again wisdomFX is refusing to show any live trades....siting , he is not here to feed people trades.....WELL....nobody is asking you to feed them trades...but a few days of actual live trade calls would greatly assist people who are trying to learn....and afterall...thats what he says he is also trying to to..show other how to use his Levels....
"Im sharing the POWER levels so that anyone can make some serious growth in their accounts. "[size=3][color=black]But refuses...Ignored
DislikedOn a 4 hour chart, this candle stick formation should be called one of the following:
A. A Holy Shit I'm Rich Candle
B. A Holy Shit I'm Broke CandleIgnored
Disliked... unless you have a stoploss in place, in which case the candle becomes:
A. "Holy Shit I'm Rich" Candle or
B. "Oh well. Small loss... Next trade please!" Candle.
Dislikedwhat are you going to do if WisdomFX leaves or is removed from the forum...he wont tell you how he calculates the levels...you will have wasted your time.........Ignored