We now have a daily pin bar on GBPUSD at previous resistance. The "nose" is short but the "eyes" are very close.
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Where can I learn more about Price Action like those in James16 charts? 9 replies
DislikedThis looks to be just a standard outside bar to me. Nothing special. Would not be playing this one. Are you seeing something???
DislikedWould i be right in saying the there is a quality PIN on the NZD/USD. As it is at a swing high, its open and close are withing a 10 pips and the nose is a good 50 pips long.
There is an IB on the EUR/USD on the upside of the IB i can only really see physiological resistance and a swing high. to the down side i see it in a pivot zone for the first 30 pips and a 61.8 ret.
There is also a IB on the CAD/USD on the upside of the IB the doesn't seem to be much in the way of any areas of confulence. To the down side i have the 365EMA. Also it is smack bang in the the middle of a pivot zone.
DislikedCan i just interrupt with a quick ramble for you all here on the public side?
I know some of you are already in the PF, thats great, you know where im coming from....for those of you that aren't I pose this to you: You are obviously in this business (and it is a business) so that you can have the lifestyle that you want for you and your family. The PF gives you ALL the information you need to trade like a professional, all you need to do is be willing to sit down and spend the hours reading and learning. THE PF TAKES AWAY THE GUESSWORK OF WILL THIS WORK THIS TIME/AM I GOING DOWN ANOTHER DEAD END WASTING MY TIME, it is so obvious that the stuff WORKS and all the components of a trader are covered....I know James doesn't like to hype his material, and I think this is a good thing as this ensures he gets ppl inside that are seriously commited to learning. THIS ISNT MEANT TO HYPE JAMES STUFF EVERYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO MAKE AN EDUCATED DECISION WHETHER THEY WANT TO JOIN BUT I THINK THE LEAST US PF MEMBERS CAN DO IS TO GET BEHIND WHAT JIM IS DOING IF WE LIKE IT. AND I DO, 100%. YOU DONT COME ACROSS THIS KIND OF COMMUNITY IN LIFE, IT WAS A SHOCK TO BE HONEST. If I wasnt 100% happy i wouldnt waste my time with this post i would have just paid for a month and left...instead ill be there for my 12months-life... If you are not committed to learning and putting in the effort then the stuff wont work for you, nothing will in fact, period. But all im saying here is that if you want to take all the guesswork out of learning to trade and just get down to business learning something that has been proven by many many traders then GET ON THE TRAIN!!!
Im sorry if this was at all out of place, its just i have had an amazing week this week, where i have been overwhelmed with the support shown and how much i have learnt, everything is just clicking, the big guns are there for me 1 on 1, and its just so exciting hearing about Jims big plans for the forum....
Ive only been a PF member for 1 month but i have been reading 5+ hours a day and I can honestly say it has changed my life, just knowing the direction to take to success is the biggest thing....
p.s. James if you feel this is too over the top then ill remove it prontoIgnored
DislikedI'm taking this trade. I know my profit target isn't that much but I'll take it anyways. How might a more seasoned trader look at this trade?Ignored
Dislikedif i sound irritated i am. i hate losing because i am sooo picky about my entries. i wasnt this time and i choked when i saw it. i tossed around in bed for an hour last night thinking i should not have taken it. i only had 1% at risk but it wasnt exactly 50 bucks. food for thought.
DislikedHi James!
Can you please tell us, after all that night thinking, why you shouldn't have taken it. Is it because you should have waited for a break? or is it something else?
I ask you because, it looked like a very nice pin to me. However I didn't take it because the uptrend was so clear I was scared to short it. I know I shouldn't be scared but the las weeks playing PB have not been very nice to me.
Anyway, thanks in advance Big Master!Ignored
Dislikedright,, same chart.
fibbed in the same way....but it looks totally different?
the DBH doesn't look as close here but IG are telling me it's only 3 ticks difference.
since these useless packages don't write on the fib levels i presume that maybe they are different...can anyone shed any light on this?
this could be my first demo trade...i get excited
DislikedI don't think I've seen a definition of a Pin bar. I've seen parts of the complete definition, but I never have seen all of it.
Can anyone direct me to where I can find it?
DislikedJust a little observation about NZD/USD, it looks like today's bar is going to close out at as a pin bar as well. Ive noticed whenver you get back to back pin bars going the same direction it is usually a very very strong signal. It might be worth shorting a break down of both pins on monday.....Ignored
DislikedWhat about this setup?
I know some people got burned on the initial Pin bar, but now there are 2 in a row. Anyone playing this? And if you were to play this on the break, would you wait until the break of the 2nd pin, or be more conservative and wait for the break of the 1st pin?