DislikedNice one cesar... Looking forward to it to become something like this one day.
My airline of choice.

Just Trade It
Walk the Talk from a fun loving discretionary trader 46 replies
You talk the talk I walk the talk 8 replies
DislikedNice one cesar... Looking forward to it to become something like this one day.
DislikedLehman Brothers -92% now $0.28 a share.
52 weeks high: $67.73 (nov 2007)
A 158 years old bank evaporating in less than a year.
Can you imagine the people now hitting the keyboard to sell this sob for $0.28 ?!?!?!Ignored
There are worries that if a huge European bank, equivalent in importance to Lehman Brothers, faced failure, there would be no way to rescue it.Ignored
DislikedPossibly - Société Générale which is one of the main European financial services companies and also maintains extensive activities in others parts of the world. Also took a $7.1b hit from a rogue trader employee. Remember...Ignored
So, long story short, Paulson committed an unknown amount of billions of dollars so the makets could die another day?Ignored
DislikedThere was an interesting commentary here, from a former Finance Minister.
That things in US are much worse than it's being said. The next trigger for a massive crash could be exactly what saved the day today: BofA is now sitting in a montain of crap. If you don't remember, it was BofA that bought Countrywide, the name that brought the "subprime" mess to the surface.
Now they added Merill to the crap in a clear bottom fish attempt. If they fail to put the bottom here, BofA is the next in line to melt down...
I've read his statement today. I didn't post here because in some 20 lines he didn't say anything.
We can curse here. Show disgusting pictures, go to the edge of pornography. But we can't admit a lousy statement from a Treasury official. That's way tooo loowwwwIgnored
DislikedOne of the few stocks that is up is McDonald’s. Do investors figure it will drain customers from fancier restaurants?Ignored
DislikedOne of the few stocks that is up is McDonald’s. Do investors figure it will drain customers from fancier restaurants?Ignored