This thread is my own trading journal. I will be sharing here whatever tools and ideas I find useful for my actual live or demo trading of any asset.
But my main focus will be on curating contents from the observations and experience of OHLC traders who I believe have genuine interest in sharing their knowledge rather than attracting followers or would-be customers.
In many ways, you can consider it as an addition to my thread for retirees looking for income and elderlies wanting to keep their brains occupied and active.
Having acquired the trading skills by intensive practice and live trading, I am essentially a discretionary trader using a Single Screen populated by MTF OHLC indicators to get information but not any trading entry signals. I strictly follow my own brain that provides me signals to enter or not.
TE explorer set up by me reflects transactions which I want to trade or the ones that I don't want to do because it satisfies my emotions goading "to sell low and buy high"
Besides I want to get to know how fast or slow mean-reversion will be like for a particular asset (symbol).
For the time being , I am using DAX and Dow Jones indices for trading.
I will mainly be curating content posted by experienced traders to learn from their observations rather than promote anyone or myself.
I will not be answering any post.
I am both a spot and options trader. So I will be sharing my observations about Open Interest as well.
In General, I try to find out from experienced traders what are volatile and active tims for trading DAX or WS30?
Hours: Which hours ? Is it Open and Close hours, overlap of UK, US , or opening or closing hours of options market open and close hours?.
Week Days: Like for today is Friday. It behaves different from Monday or Tuesday or other week days.
Which months? Quarterly closing, or seasonals like Summer and Winter, etc.
Pre-pubic holidays days?
Post- public holidays day?
Pre- News times - which regular economic release news events really move market?
Post-New times - which one of the news events generate more volatiliy?
Brixen replied on Correlation
And on good times to trade
Courtsey George AUS, who believes "the Master is Right. Learners can't be other than followers" has provided a pdf link to explain Waves in a very lucid manner.
Attached File Five_Waves_to_Financial_Freedom (1).pdf 4.7 MB | 1,871 download
I am a discretionary trader who trades for the day . I have to fish for myself.
But my main focus will be on curating contents from the observations and experience of OHLC traders who I believe have genuine interest in sharing their knowledge rather than attracting followers or would-be customers.
In many ways, you can consider it as an addition to my thread for retirees looking for income and elderlies wanting to keep their brains occupied and active.
Having acquired the trading skills by intensive practice and live trading, I am essentially a discretionary trader using a Single Screen populated by MTF OHLC indicators to get information but not any trading entry signals. I strictly follow my own brain that provides me signals to enter or not.
TE explorer set up by me reflects transactions which I want to trade or the ones that I don't want to do because it satisfies my emotions goading "to sell low and buy high"
Besides I want to get to know how fast or slow mean-reversion will be like for a particular asset (symbol).
For the time being , I am using DAX and Dow Jones indices for trading.
I will mainly be curating content posted by experienced traders to learn from their observations rather than promote anyone or myself.
I will not be answering any post.
I am both a spot and options trader. So I will be sharing my observations about Open Interest as well.
In General, I try to find out from experienced traders what are volatile and active tims for trading DAX or WS30?
Hours: Which hours ? Is it Open and Close hours, overlap of UK, US , or opening or closing hours of options market open and close hours?.
Week Days: Like for today is Friday. It behaves different from Monday or Tuesday or other week days.
Which months? Quarterly closing, or seasonals like Summer and Winter, etc.
Pre-pubic holidays days?
Post- public holidays day?
Pre- News times - which regular economic release news events really move market?
Post-New times - which one of the news events generate more volatiliy?
Brixen replied on Correlation
And on good times to trade
Courtsey George AUS, who believes "the Master is Right. Learners can't be other than followers" has provided a pdf link to explain Waves in a very lucid manner.
Attached File Five_Waves_to_Financial_Freedom (1).pdf 4.7 MB | 1,871 download
I am a discretionary trader who trades for the day . I have to fish for myself.
Practice makes a person perfect