Fuck Forex Factory
Trading off 10 seconds charts 124 replies
5/10 seconds charts platform 0 replies
Charts, Charts, Charts! 1 reply
please help me a few seconds! mq4 experts 2 replies
Can a broker execute a market order 1 minute 11 seconds after one clicked the price?? 23 replies
DislikedHi anybody knows a platform that allows to trade the 5sec timeframe? besides oanda's!
DislikedThats not true...Select GAIN feed from NT server (not GAIN server)...and reload historical data till you have enough...NT servers support historical-data.Ignored
DislikedThats not true...Select GAIN feed from NT server (not GAIN server)...and reload historical data till you have enough...NT servers support historical-data.Ignored
Originally Posted by FlashCall http://www.forexfactory.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif
I'm using 1 sec. TF; As soon as I enter, my pip-hole is away...
i wonder how people can trade 1h / 4h TF instead.. i don't like DDs and i want to get a profit without waiting hours!Ignored
DislikedWow thats is a very fast TF.. Wonder how do you trade using 1sec TF? Mind Sharing?Ignored
Disliked... but if I start to trade 5 or 1 second timeframes I will get bankrupt and crazy very fast (I have tried to trade the 5sec TF, but the spread (Oanda) was too large and it was too stressful).Ignored